Jing (for Screencasting) and TweetDeck (for Twitter)

Summertime is playtime, and we’ve had record amounts of rain where I live, so my playing has been indoors. Here are a couple of tools I’ve been playing with.

Jing is a free and very easy screencasting tool. Because I’m thinking about Personal Learning Environments, that’s what I made this screencast on –


My problem is that by covering my full screen, I get a screencast the size of my full screen, which is too big. Twitter helped me get a partial answer. (I’m using TweetDeck because with it, I can see any replies immediately and I can separate the people I follow into different groups, for ease of following conversations.)

From TweetDeck, Alana James answers my request for help.
From TweetDeck, Alana James answers my request for help.

Alana’s advice allowed me to reduce the size of my Jing screen, but it only showed part of what I had captured. I wanted the whole image, but smaller. I have asked for help on Twitter several times previously and most often got a reply, so I consider it an important part of my PLE. It’s a place where I can ask and answer questions from peers.

So I’m playing, and thus learning how to use these tools, so when the weather is sunnier and/or I’m busier, I’ll be proficient and efficient in using them.

3 thoughts on “Jing (for Screencasting) and TweetDeck (for Twitter)

  1. Joan, I’m glad you are playing around with Jing. I found it last spring but I had trouble downloading on my university computer. Even more so, when I tried to show the clip they used to help demonstrate what it was about, I had difficulty accessing it. Finally, one of my students with a MAC was able to access it and play around with it a bit. He really liked it, but found it difficult to interface with non-MACs on campus. I was wondering if you have had similar problems. Do you use a MAC or a PC? Have you tried it using it on one of your school’s computers and had trouble with the firewall?


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